Organically Grown Coffee
North Roast Certified Organic Coffees are grown and cultivated by the careful efforts of families in coffee growing communities, without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or other chemicals.
Certified Organically Grown
“Certified Organically Grown” coffee is coffee which has been determined by an independent certifying organization to be produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, or other harmful chemicals. The product must be labelled “Certified Organic” to guarantee that it has been produced according to strict organic standards.
What You Should Know
Coffee is the most chemically treated food crop in the world. The long range effects of these synthetic chemicals jeopardize the environment and its ability to support us.
Organic farming, or sustainable agriculture, helps solve these environmental concerns. Organic systems seek to imitate nature by achieving stability through diversity and the recycling of energy and nutrients.
By offering organic coffee, North Roast is supporting a complex set of goals. The organic coffee movement is part environmental, part social, and part economical. This approach helps protect the planet and the people who live on it.
Modern & Traditional Organic Methods
From nursery seedlings to the ripened cherries ready for harvesting, extreme care is taken by farmers to stress the well established p[procedures of organic farming. Substantial methods, such as terracing, composting, shading, and biological pest and fungus controls are used to replace the dependency on petrochemicals. These farmers are giving back to the earth what has been taken from it. This secures the land for future harvests.
Long Range Sustainability
Sustainable agriculture promotes the long range sustainability of our soil, ecosystem, and ground water supply, as well as the economic viability of the farmer. Part of the profits from coffee sales are “put back” in the form of shared agriculture information, investments in roads, health, and educational projects, and banks and other social programs in the community.